In parenting nurture is more important than Nature

 In this article we will discuss about what are the affects when a child is not nurtured properly and his mindset turns static. For a growth mindset the child’s brain need proper milieu and parenting. To learn more on parent come to Dew Drops Nursery which is one of the nurseries in Al Furjan.

An optimist eyes the opportunity in every difficulty while a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. There are two different mind sets that exist on earth known as growth and fixed. Bringing decides the child is going to turn into an optimist or pessimist. Looking for nurseries near me then come to Dew Drops!

The tale of two students Tom and Sarah

So let us understand it with the help an example of two individuals Tom and Sarah who joined the French Language sessions together while their first language was English. During the sessions Tom avoided challenges because he feared to fail in answering, on the other hand Sarah believed that if she would be perpetually collaborative with the teacher the students would stop to ridicule her. Tom avoided the feedback from teacher and so he took the criticism made by teacher personally, while Sarah believed that if she wants to improve then she has to face constructive criticism made by teacher. Tom never succeeded to complete his assignments because always looked for the bee lines, but Sarah did not get enough sleep many times while completing the task. This all created a mess and Tom quits the French language sessions. 

There is a difference between the behavior of Tom and Sarah and this is the result of their nurturing.

The neuro scientists also lay the supportive ground to the belief and idea of an optimist Sarah. They confirm that brain grows like any other muscles of the body with training, so it shows that nurture is more important than nature. So the parenting is primary thing that needs to be perfected to bring up an individual alike Sarah who wears confidence and owns the knowledge of path to success.

Sarah is on the highest self-awareness scale

Sarah is practical and shows confidence even if the time is against her. She is goal oriented and fully focused on her goals no matter what is the course to reach the goal. This is a clear sign that the way Sarah was brought same way a child of growth mindset is nurtured. Come to one of the best nurseries JBR!

In the story she is confident that one day she will reach to the success and she has great sense to create the balance between the milieus outside and what she knows about herself from inside. Stop surfing for ‘nurseries near me’ because Dew Drops Nursery is the perfect solution for those who are looking for nursery in JBR.


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